Somewhere, there are many dreams. By the alchemical means of creative expression, those dreams can be made experientially possible. They can be made tangible and real.

I have crossed through the gateways of my own dream-realms and heaven-kingdoms through taking the keys of embodiment and turning them into the guardian padlocks of said realms.

From my acrylic-crusted, pen-baring, string-strumming, muse-making hands—through my rhythmic attunement to the fractal unfurling nature of human evolution—I churn, I feel, I make, and I gush. Art happens here.

From this space, the ephemeral, lucid substance of wild and nonsensical dreams becomes malleable. Art becomes experienced.

In the womb of the infinitely-expanding, horizontally-arcing realms of possibility, unfettered creativity prevails. The genesis, gestation, and birth of things like love word oeuvres and colorful fever dream paintings unfurl into life. Scintillating, gleaming, pulsating expression abounds here.

The keys to the kingdom realms of dreamy, heavenly, and holy things are always laying dormant before the entryways into these realms, waiting to be picked up and used. When I find them, I like to take them and turn them into every magic padlock I encounter.

To the invocation of the technicolor-bursting crossing-into of deep being and secret innerspace entryways, I bid my prayers of splendor and delight.